
.....One of the stereotyped thoughts of general visitors to an art museum is that they think it is so difficult to approach the images described in the art work. It means not that it is difficult to approach the space for exhibition, but that it is difficult to approach the story exposed up to the surface of the work, and to approach the significance implied deeply in the work. This phenomena symbolically represent that the art does not operate effectively to expose the artist’s internality outwards.
The quintessential function of art is to let a seer internalize what she or he takes with her or his visual sense, to reconstruct it in accordance with her or his own mental imagery, and to describe it outwards. It connotes that all the objects which are perceived with eyes can be art work, and that everything in our daily life is in itself an art work. Even a piece of shirts picked up by one’s subconscious activity is selected because that it corresponds to one’s own mental imagery.
The manifestation of the imagery and formativeness which operates even in selecting a piece of shirts is in itself the art, and the activity to pick up whatever he or she likes to purchase is in itself the appreciation.
The activity to go to the department store to choose one good among a lot of various products is not so different from the activity to go to the exhibit space to choose a single art work that she or he likes among a lot of various art works.
If one regard art and work as something separated from everyday life, that is, as something extraordinary, she or he would just deny his or her own individual taste. It can be said that he or she negates the individual space that is filled with physical and mental collection in which the individual tastes are reflected. Starting from this judgment, this image has been created.
The image which is directly manifested in art work appears as a display of not-radical external form and not-radical individual art work. Karl Clausewitz argued that the so called war is not as much as the extension of politics in order to forcefully carry through her or his will. This kind of argument is nothing more than an ornamentation to justify the war activity. War, no matter how it is expressed, is violence in its nature. Given the fact that every kind of thought, order and civilization which humanity has created appears as the most primitive activity of war, the authenticity of human reason could be under doubt. Accordingly, this doubt appears as cynicism about the human reason itself. It is just like the foolishness of children who split themselves into two sides, in playing war games with their toys. Both the children’s war games played with reasonable judgment in its immature phase and the grown-ups’ war games played with reasonable judgment in its most mature phase have the identical patterns in its essence. It produces a feeling of a piece of play to recognize the fact that the violence inflicted to others by grown-ups is exactly the same as that inflicted to dolls by children. The not-radical manifestation of individual work is alike as the war games played with dolls among children. The extremely numerous flowery expressions in war, the truth-hiding patriotism, and the justification of violence prevent recognizing the severity of war clearly, just like the immortal hero in children’s comic. ?Such heavy subject as war is put in art work in order to expose the human internality which is executing such violence as war. It is for the sake of manifesting out the bigotry which is lurking in the human internality, that is, for the sake of make known the prejudice that human being is the especially reasonable being separated from nature world. It is an irony that is giving us a hollow smile to connect the human bigotry that he or she recognizes himself or herself as a special being to the a most primitive savage of humanity. This hollowness could be compared to the hollowness which is felt after reading a well-made comic. It contains neither absolute value, nor reflection, nor lesson. Only exists the moment which war is being waged. Only remains the momentary pleasure just like an exclamation “It’s fun!” right after reading trough the comic. The reflection about war does not survive as a sold form. Even though war is justified as a reasonable activity, only survives the basic instinct to search out another war, just like a beast wandering for another prey. War is a collision between group and group.
To argue that the group will and group value prefer to the individual value is nothing more than to produce a motif for making a caricature of false value of war The appearance of human that has become a being just like a doll in children’s war games is the manifested formation of foolishness which has been created by human themselves. ?