“In contemporary art, where there are many art theorists and art scientists, I am a painter like a wild dog who just paints. Painting is not scholarship. It is an instinct, it is my language.” - Doowon Lee
Doowon LEE, born in 1982, is an artist who eschewed formal art education in favor of traveling the world, drawing inspiration and materials from his emotions, experiences, and nature. Growing up, he was profoundly influenced by his father, a disciple of the renowned Namjonghwa master Uijae Huh Baek-ryun; his mother, who worked in the fashion industry; and his aunt, a graduate of the Beaux-Arts in France. Holding a cosmology that views nature, animals, and humans as one, LEE creates a humorous world free from the constraints of traditional forms and distinctions by seamlessly blending artificial and natural elements. His work incorporates natural fibers such as wool from Pakistan, hemp fabric from Nepal, and khadi cotton from India, combined with various locally sourced materials and Korean ink. In 2023, LEE achieved significant milestones, including a solo exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery in London and being selected as a representative artist for the Busan Biennale 2024. He continues to actively engage both domestically and internationally.
1982년생 이두원 작가는 제도권 안에서의 미술 교육 대신 전 세계를 다니며 현지에서 느낀 감정과 경험, 자연으로부터 받은 영감과 소재로 작업을 이어왔다. 남종화의 대가 의재 허백련 화백의 제자였던 아버지, 패션업에 종사하셨던 어머니, 프랑스 보자르를 졸업한 이모 곁에서 어린 시절을 보낸 영향이 컸다. 자연과 동물, 인간은 하나라는 우주관을 갖고 작업하며, 인공물과 자연물, 사람과 사물의 이질감 없는 결합을 통해 차별이나 구별이 존재하지 않는, 기존의 틀이나 형식에 얽매이지 않는 해학적 세계를 구현한다. 작가는 파키스탄 울(Wool), 네팔의 햄프천(Hemp), 인도의 카디 코튼(Khadi Cotton) 등 살아 숨 쉬는 듯한 천연 재료를 바탕으로 현지에서 구한 다양한 재료와 먹 등을 이용하여 작업하며, 끊임없이 새로운 재료에 대한 연구를 지속한다. 2023년 런던 Saatchi Gallery 개인전을 비롯하여 올해 부산 비엔날레 대표 작가로 선정되는 성과를 보이며 국내외 활발한 활동을 하고 있다.
Doowon LEE7.5 eyes in jungle, 2024Mixed media on linen180x140cm
Doowon LEEA bear bloming in a flower garden 꽃밭에 핀 곰, 2023Mixed media on canvas120x102cm
Doowon LEEBuddha bee in flower garden 부다 비 in 화원 , 2024Mixed media and Opal objet on wool cloth102x102cm
Doowon LEEOwl family in the garden, 2024Mixed media on cotton-linen cloth127x127cm
Doowon LEEColorful birds in flower garden 야간버드 in 화원도, 2022빈티지 코튼 위에 혼합재료105x145cm
GALLERY MAC INTERMISSION 4 Jan - 15 Feb 2025The upcoming exhibition at GALLERY MAC is the exhibition titled < Intermission > . The term 'Intermission' refers to a brief pause or break in a performance, such as during...Read more -
10-200, Affordable Artworks
Group Exhibition 27 Jul - 24 Aug 2024'Artworks Priced from 100,000 to 2,000,000 KRW, A Joyful Collection' The 18th iteration of GALLERY MAC's annual exhibition, '< 10-200, Affordable Artworks> ' is a specially curated event designed to...Read more
Art Fairs
Booth No. J11 I TAIPEI, TAIWAN 24 - 28 Oct 2024GALLERY MAC will be participating in the 2024 ART TAIPEI from October 24 to 28 at the Taipei World Trade Center in Taiwan. ART TAIPEI...Read more -
2024 Kiaf SEOUL
Booth No. A67 I COEX, SEOUL 4 - 8 Sep 2024Participating Artists 강혜은 Hyeeun KANG 김은주 Eunju KIM 박영환 Younghwan PARK 박진성 Jinsung PARK 이두원 Doowon LEE 차규선 Kyusun CHA 성유진 Yujin SUNG 허문희 Munhee...Read more -
Booth No. B27 I BEXCO, BUSAN 9 - 12 May 2024Participating Artists 강혜은 Hyeeun KANG 김은주 Eunju KIM 김현수 Hyunsoo KIM 박영환 Younghwan PARK 박진성 Jinsung PARK 성유진 Yujin SUNG 이두원 Doowon LEE 차규선 Kyusun...Read more -
2024 Korea Galleries Art Fair
Booth No. D36 I COEX, SEOUL 3 - 7 Apr 2024Participating Artists 감성빈 Seongbin GAM 강혜은 Hyeeun KANG 김은주 Eunju KIM 이두원 Doowon LEE 태 우 Taewoo 허문희 Munhee HURRead more -
Booth No. D22 I BEXCO, BUSAN 4 - 7 May 2023Participating Artists 강혜은 Hyeeun KANG 김은주 Eunju KIM 박진성 Jinsung PARK 오순환 Soonhwan OH 이두원 Doowon LEE 차규선 Kyusun CHA 최 례 Rye CHOI 태...Read more